
Autonomous trucks

What does autonomous trucks mean for companies that rely on their fleet?

Every day we hear more and more about new inventions, like autonomous vehicles. But what does this mean for all those businesses that rely on their fleet of vehicles?


Autonomous vehicles can guide themselves without human conduction. This kind of vehicle has become a concrete reality and may pave the way for future systems where computers take over the art of driving.

This innovation is also known as a driverless vehicles or self-driving vehicles. They use various kinds of technologies. They can be built with GPS sensing knowledge to help with navigation. They may use sensors and other equipment to avoid collisions. And also, have the ability to use a range of technology known as augmented reality, where a vehicle displays information to drivers in new and innovative ways.


This invention in the transportation industry will bring a lot of changes for the businesses that rely on their fleets. In few years, from economic point of view, is expected for many companies to turn on autonomous fleets. All in order to cut their expenses and improve their time management. Innovations like this are accepted by the majority of businesses because of the financial expectations they provide. But we should not forget that self-driving and safety advances should not be viewed separately. The true advantage in deploying advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) lies in their ability to dramatically reduce the number of accidents – and this occurs with every incremental piece of safety technology.

The economics for the trucking industry in terms of cost savings is more compelling than for consumer vehicles. Drivers, for example, account for about 33% of trucking operating costs, according to analyses at Stifel Financial Corp. Eventually, self-driving trucks will just be a set of wheels, a frame, an engine and a computer. This way manufacturers will be able to scale down the size and weight of the truck, allowing carriers to haul heavier loads and higher rates per trip.


IHS Automotive analysts estimate that annual sales of autonomous heavy-duty trucks could reach 600,000 units annually by 2035. Beginning with several thousand deployed in 2020. Depending on road and traffic complexities, Level 4* High Automation mode with ‘high automation’ on parts of Interstate highways, is predicted to be achieved by 2022. In other, less advanced scenarios, the vehicle may only operate in Level 2* Partial Autonomous mode, such as on city streets.


2017 is expected to be the year of the autonomous trucks. This can mean improved truck transport, optimization of the fuel spends and increased safety.


Autonomni kamioni-брансис самостојни возила автономни камиони Роденденска акција Брансис-Autonomous trucks

* Here are the SAE J3016 Levels of Automation for on-road motor vehicles:

  • Level 0 – No Automation: The full-time performance by the human driver of all aspects of the dynamic driving task, even when enhanced by warning or intervention systems.
  • Level 1 – Driver Assistance: The driving mode-specific execution by a driver assistance system of either steering or acceleration/deceleration using information about the driving environment and with the expectation that the human driver performs all remaining aspects of the dynamic driving task.
  • Level 2 – Partial Automation: The driving mode-specific execution by one or more driver assistance systems of both steering and acceleration/deceleration using information about the driving environment and with the expectation that the human driver performs all remaining aspects of the dynamic driving task.
  • Level 3 – Conditional Automation: The driving mode-specific performance by an Automated Driving System of all aspects of the dynamic driving task with the expectation that the human driver will respond appropriately to a request to intervene.
  • Level 4 – High Automation: The driving mode-specific performance by an Automated Driving System of all aspects of the dynamic driving task, even if a human driver does not respond appropriately to a request to intervene.
  • Level 5 – Full Automation: The full-time performance by an Automated Driving System of all aspects of the dynamic driving task under all roadway and environmental conditions that can be managed by a human driver.


Bransys Group

9 Years Bransys Group

On 5th of May we celebrated 9 years of the foundation of Bransys Group. Starting from 2008, as a local startup company, with offices in Skopje Macedonia, Bransys has grown in an international business. Now with offices in Belgrade, Serbia and Chicago, Illinois, Bransys has made its way among many global fleet management software companies.


As a software company, our team has developed many software solutions for distribution companies, transportation companies, taxi companies, waste management companies and many others.

In the core of our business is the EZtoTrack – fleet management software solution. This is an advanced software solution for managing fleets of vehicles, with GPS tracking system and complex algorithms for data analysis and reports. This solution is now used for trucking thousands of vehicles in many different regions. We have developed this software to work effectively for both small and large fleets. As the clients grow, we have the architecture and resources in place to scale to their needs, while keeping the quality of our product consistent, regardless of size.


At Bransys, we believe in optimizing the most important challenges of all times – time and money. The way we are optimizing time and money is by improving efficiency and productivity to all our clients by innovating custom software solutions and integrating complete system solutions.

The biggest challenges for fleet businesses, efficiency and productivity, we are solving with the unique fleet management software and hardware solution, innovated and designed by Bransys Group, customizable for each client to reduce fleet costs, reduce empty working hours to heavy machines, increase efficient routing, scheduling and more customized solutions, all highly structured in one advanced system.


For 9 years now, we are open to share our secret for success – building trust, respect and accountability among our team, and complete dedication to our projects and clients. Despite our significant growth, we remain focused on innovation in the name of our clients’ success.

Autonomni kamioni-Newsletter Брансис_gps_следење_софтвер_gps_следење_возила_следење_на_Вашите_возила_менаџирање_на_флота_роденденска_акција-Autonomous trucks



The largest trade-show and conference in North America for waste industry

Bransys Group visited WasteExpo 2017 event, that took place from May 8-11.2017, New Orleans, LA. Our team is constantly working on upgrading the software solutions and follow the market trends.


At WasteExpo we presented our fully-automated, error free solution for tracking roll-off containers. No phones, no scanning, no human interaction or data entry needed!

Public demands and timeliness and heavy-duty abuse, add a level of complexity to managing the Waste Management fleet. Therefore, our EZtoTrack Software offers a great solution to waste companies issues.

Autonomni kamioni-роденденска акција брансис-Autonomous trucks

Serving 90,000+ professionals worldwide, Waste360 is the leading information, event, commerce and education provider to the solid waste, recycling, organics and sustainable communities, that plays a critical role in connecting industry professionals worldwide.  For over 45 years, WasteExpo continues to be the largest trade-show and conference in North America. Attracting key decision-makers in the private and public sectors of the $85 billion solid waste, recycling, organics and sustainability industry.

This year’s event, is one of the most important expos for the Texas community management and development sectors. More than five hundred exhibitors from all over the world related to the field of waste services, municipalities and so on come to take part in this event. They discuss about various topics in relation with solid waste, waste management, waste transport and dumpsters and recycling of this waste to the visitors of the trade show. WasteExpo is an event which sees visitors from both the field of public and private sectors of waste management. This event takes place once in every year. The exhibitors of the show spoke about the proper utilization of recycling of the solid waste available from home products, composite and organic wastes, health care wastes, roll-off containers and dumpsters, waste management etc.



AVL E1 – C Electronic Logbook Device

Bransys Group has designed a new hardware solution compatible with our ELD software solution for US.

The electronic logging device AVL E1-C is intended to help create a safer work environment for drivers, and make it easier, faster to accurately track, manage, and share records of duty status (RODS) data. Electronic logging makes the HOS (hours of service) job simpler. The data you are already maintaining will now be recorded automatically. Electronic logs mean less paperwork, more time, better productivity, improved driver safety and a substantial increase in profitability.

Autonomni kamioni-Роденденска акција Брансис-Autonomous trucks


AVL E1-C is a hardware device that can be used in different industries and types of vehicles. AVL E1-C provides electronic logs for each vehicle in the fleet. The device is suitable for any type of fleet, such as trucks, light vehicles, vans, waste vehicles etc. Also, you can use it for different sizes of fleets, small, medium, large etc.



1. Low-cost, lower-power LTE connectivity optimized for broad band IoT applications.

2. Worldwide LTE, UMTS/HSPA+ and GSM/GPRS/EDGE cover age.

3. Multi-constellation GNSS receiver available for applications requiring fast and accurate fixes in any environment.

4. Feature refinements: supports DFOTA*, eCall*, QuecLocator and DTMF.

5. MIMO technology meets demands for data rate and link reliability in modem wireless communication systems.



Contact us for more info about the new ELD device designed by Bransys Group!


Market Trends 2017

What are we reading these days

Fleet industry suppliers have been urged to ‘be prepared’ to meet hundreds of potential customers at October’s Fleet Management LIVE.

Chris Lester, event director, said:

Industry suppliers have a unique chance to influence a very large number of potential customers at Fleet Management LIVE. To maximize this opportunity, they need to ensure their teams are fully briefed and ready to handle board-level enquiries from visitors, as this could lead to substantial rewards after the show.

Read all


Event website –


Autonomni kamioni-Роденденска акција Брансис-Autonomous trucks