

Industry 4.0 in Fleet Management Technologies

Never before has the operation technology been so connected with the information technology. So, it brought a whole new industrial revolution, based on fascinating innovations.


Industry 4.0 is upon us – a vision for how smart manufacturing is transforming how we create and service machines. These could be parts of planes, containers, vehicles or even wind turbines. And through smart management and innovative use of data, fleet managers and field service workers are able to uncover new insights into the performance of these powerful machines.

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The rising relevance of Industry 4.0 is creating a fertile market for advanced asset tracking and production technologies. Manufacturers are increasingly employing sophisticated asset monitoring technologies to prevent asset failure, improve asset performance, and lower machinery downtime in a variety of industries. By 2021, sectors such as automotive, fleet management, healthcare, warehouse, logistics, aerospace, industrial automation and electronics would have adopted asset tracking technologies to achieve Industry 4.0, optimized workflow, and smart manufacturing.


With a list of features more comprehensive than anything Bransys have ever produced, EZtoTrack delivers a complete fleet management experience. The future of Asset Tracking is part of EZtoTrack growth plan. The system continuously is upgraded by latest IT innovations to adapt the Industry 4.0 trends and support markets requirements.


For more details about one of the most comprehensive and detailed vehicle fleet management software, contact our team >>


SUPPLY CHAIN 2017-2022

Technologies that impact the Supply Chain

Every industry is affected by different segments of the new innovative technologies each day. The supply chain companies, are also, affected by the tech revolution.

There are many things that businesses have to keep in mind to ensure their long-term survival during the smart tech revolution, like drones, self-driving vehicles, robotics, 3-D printing and wearable technology. A new study from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Global Supply Chain Institute identifies this five technologies like the key to a company’s success.

Autonomni kamioni-брансис самостојни возила автономни камиони Роденденска акција Брансис-Autonomous trucks

Of these technologies, the experts consider robotics to be the greatest potential disruptor over the next five years. Drones, on the other hand, are tech in the rise. They are still making their way up, to fully show their potential, not only in tracking warehouse inventories, like they do now. The wearable technologies, like smart glasses, are also applicable in the warehouse, helping workers sort, pack and inventory items as well as identifying safety hazards or the shortest path to their next pick. Self-driving vehicles will substantially affect transportation costs. All in order for companies to cut their expenses and improve their fleet time management. Finally, 3-D printing is identified as having the potential to eliminate the supply chain completely. But only if costs can be reduced and usable materials expanded.

Companies must remember that all these technologies are fully connected and linked to the innovations like Big Data and IoT. The link with a digital and software interface is a must for real tech breakthroughs.



Fleet Management Systems for Small Fleets

Poorly run fleets are remarkably similar, lacking organization, planning, and control. On the other side, well-run fleet operations differ each from the next as much as day from night.


Small businesses face many challenges. Keeping the revenue generating vehicle fleet running is one of the most challenging. But they don’t realize that fleet management doesn’t have to be expensive and complex even for fleets of one or several vehicles.

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When you don’t have many vehicles, you may not have a backup vehicle ready on a busy day. If any of your vehicles break down or crash, you can end up in a situation where your whole schedule is thrown off track and the level of service you provide to your customers is impacted. Also in a small business, managing the fleet may not be a singular person’s job. Often, the fleet manager isn’t just a fleet manager. When you have tons of other tasks to handle in addition to the fleet, crucial management tasks can fall to the wayside. Especially if you’re also one of the fleet drivers yourself.



That is why EZtoTrack has been designed to serve the needs of small business fleets. Our fleet management software simplifies fleet maintenance and management, fleet expense tracking and reporting. With EZtoTrack small fleets get better fuel efficiency through monitoring and reporting of vehicle idle times, utilization management and route tracking.  Tracking of fuel receipts and fuel cards helps manage costs by vehicle and/or driver. Also. automating fleet vehicle maintenance scheduling for small fleet of cars and trucks helps to keep your fleet vehicles running longer and with less downtime. It also reduces administrative overhead by letting your team focus on the critical issues rather than chasing drivers for odometer readings to keep manual systems up-to-date. EZtoTrack helps small fleets keep vehicles in good operating order and improve vehicle performance. This way businesses can track driver performance and behavior patterns like speeding, aggressive braking and rapid acceleration to identify driver issues before they become a business liability.


Therefore, fleet management systems may get the small companies out of their comfort zone, but it will make planning, organizing and control much easier, and let them grow and compete with the big players on the market at the same time.



Temperature sensors

One of the more important additional options offered by the software solution EZtoTrack, for monitoring and managing a fleet of vehicles, is the installation of temperature sensors in the vehicles.

Depending on the customers’ needs, per vehicle can be installed from 1 to 3 temperature sensors. They are placed in various spots of the vehicle. I.e. in the inside of the container and at the door, because with every opening and closing of the doors during unloading, there is a certain temperature difference in the vehicle which may affect the quality of products.

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The application offers the possibility of generating reports with the following data:

  • Basic information (current temperature);
  • Exceeding rate of the temperature range and maintaining rate of the temperature of each sensor;
  • Temperature graph which shows the measurements of each sensor separately within a certain time interval.


With the availability of these data, distributor companies are fully protected from possible claims of inadequate products transport. Through automated reports, they have confirmation at any time, that products sensitive to temperature are properly transported and there is no risk of spoiling. This way, additional costs for damaged goods due to the temperature of storage and transporting can be eliminated.


Market Trends 2017

What we are reading these days

Transforming Logistics with Artificial Intelligence

Worldwide supply chains are beginning to undergo a fundamental transformation as more “artificial intelligence” is deployed to handle both the domestic and international movement of goods…


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If you are looking for fleet management services and solutions, or you want to hear the industry's hottest topics and news, please contact us today. We'd like to hear from you.

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Chicago, IL 60604,
United States of America

+1 866 355 5552