Instalatera GPS uredjaja

Latest Opportunities

Posao u Beogradu 2016

Open position in Serbia – Monter

Due to the increased volume of operations we are looking for:

GPS installer

Location: Belgrade


  • High school degree – Electrotechnical direction (preferred)
  • Work experience in the field of equipment installation for vehicle tracking (temperature sensors, fuel sensors, RFID, iButton etc.)
  • Driver’s licence B category.

If you are interested in joining our team and believe that through individual training you too can contribute to the further progress of the company, contact us, till 30.09.2016. Send us your CV at:

Usled povećanog obima poslovanja tražimo:


Instalatera GPS uredjaja

Lokacija: Beograd


  • Srednja stručna sprema – elektrotehničkog smera (poželjno, nije neophodno)
  • Radno iskustvo u oblasti montaže opreme za praćenje vozila (temperaturni senzori, sonde za gorivo, RFID, Ibutton I sl.)
  • Vozačka dozvola B kategorije.

Ako ste zainteresovani i verujete da kroz individuano usavršavanje možete doprineti daljem napredovanju kompanije, molimo vas da, najkasnije do 30.09.2016. dostavite vaš CV na email: